Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"I believe that the Holocaust never happened."

-My Response
~Oh really? How could you believe such a thing? There is proof out there. The old buildings with beds stuffed side by side as many as possible in one tiny areas. The old gas chambers with the old gas cans. The luggage from the innocent people. The shoes. THE HAIR! It's all there actual proof. What do you think, that someone gathered all of that stuff and put it together and found these old buildings and just put a title on it and called it the Holocaust? Well I'm sorry but no one cares that much about your imagination to give you that kind of ugly, and terrible entertainment. Get real. This did happen. it's obvious. The diary of Ann Frank. Talented writer yes, but all true! Same with the book 'Night'. It's all true. It all did happen. It disgusts me by how much you believe that it didn't happen. Pathetic honestly. How could you not believe something that is right there. How could you not believe someone with a tattoo on there arm with a story behind those numbers. They didn't get that tattoo to go around saying they were put into a work camp and stripped of their dignity just so they would have a good story to tell their grandkids. They were forced to get that. They were forced to get naked in front of all and march to their very own death. Some were even forced to dig their own graves. And you didn't dare run, because if you had a chance of living even if it was a terrible slave life you took that chance to live. So now do you believe? Cause you should. Freedom of thought isnt allowed here when millions and millions lost their lives and they did nothing wrong and all you have to say is ït didnt happen."No it did. Live up to it. Someone in your family line somewhere commited those war crimes. Admit it."

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