I'm An Extrovert. I'm energized by being around other people. I love people. I'm very outgoing and talking in front of a crowd doesn't bother me. I love to be in charge. I think as I speak I don't think before I speak. I seem to think better if I think as I speak. I love being social. I'm apart of many groups and clubs at school because I like being around people.
I believe that extroverts have it easier. They can just talk and go on and not have to prepare themselves. Introverts have to prepare and think long and hard. The way extroverts act is accepted by society more than introverts behavior. They are easily accepted more.
If everyone was an extrovert I believe we'd have lots of arguments. Extroverts think as they speak so they speak their mind right away. This would lead to things being said that maybe weren't suppose to be said. But also I believe the world would be more open and free spirited.
If everyone in the world was an introvert we'd have no characteristics. We'd all be quiet and not communication with each other. You couldn't have friends because friendship involves communication.
In my friends I prefer extroverts. Mostly cause they are like me but they are fun. They are free spirited and easy to get along with, and they enjoy talking like me. They are more willing to go into something dangerous and take chances. Life live on the edge.
Extroverts are better leaders in my opinion. They can throw stuff out and be right at any given time. They can speak their mind easily and not feel bad about it. They can challenge others to become better as well.
Introverts are better writer because they can think easily. Extroverts kinda jam stuff together. Introverts give it a meaning.
Which are better neighbors? Well if you like peace and quiet, you're gonna want a introvert as a neighbor, but if you want an outgoing neighbor who will hang out with you, you want an extrovert.
I think extroverts are better teachers because they have great minds to be creative to teach children.
Being and extrovert or an introvert does matter, it's who you are. Being who you are matters.
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